class RFAudioCoder : def ExportAudio( self, protocol=None, message=0 ) : """Export a message code to default audio device. Args: protocol: Protocol used to encode message message: Message to encode (numeric format) """ def ExportWAV( self, protocol=None, message=0, dest="" ) : """Export a message code to a WAV file. Args: protocol: Protocol used to encode message message: Message to encode (numeric format) dest: Destination WAV file to be written """ def SetAudioFrequency( self, audio_freq=8000 ) : """Set the audio frequency used to encode the messages (default: 8000Hz)""" def SetMessageRepeat( self, msg_repeat=8 ) : """Set the repeat times of the encoded message (default: 8)""" def SetMessageBitLength( self, msg_bits=24 ) : """Set the message data bit length (default: 24)"""